Worship is far more than a song. It’s how we speak to someone we can’t benefit from. It’s how we honor our parents. How we tip our waitress. It’s the words that flow from our lips and the thoughts that we think throughout the day. How we trust when we cannot see the future. These sacrifices are our worship.
A.W. Tozer once wrote, “Thirsty hearts are those whose longings have been wakened by the touch of God within them.”
The Worship Ministry at SHBC exists so that people can know that touch of God, awakening their hearts to pursue Him with their lives. We want to help people develop a life of worship. It is our belief that worship is not merely what takes place on weekend services before the sermon; it can happen everyday in everything we are doing. As we offer to God the simple moments and activities of each day, we make our very life an offering of worship, allowing His presence to invade our lives. These are holy moments in which we encounter God and feel His heart for the world. As He fills us, it is our desire that the nations see His glory so that all people will bow their hearts and worship our glorious Savior.
Our worship services are a mix of celebration and reverence designed to lead people far from God into a personal relationship to be close with God by worshipping Him. Musically, we do a mix of traditional hymns and contemporary music.
Our Arts ministry consists of those who make up our Worship Teams: Vocalists and musicians, drama teams, readers, as well as our tech teams that provide technical support.
Hebrew’s 12:28 says, “Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a Kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship with reverence and awe – for our God is a consuming fire.”
MISSION: To help people experience God and develop a life of worship
- Humility and Brokenness: Understanding God’s view of who we are, and then allowing Him to mold us and change us
- Intimacy and Power: Learning how to cultivate the Secret Place in our lives and drawing our strength from that relationship with God
- Integrity in Relationships: Growing together as “iron sharpening iron” in an atmosphere where we speak the truth in love
- Local Church with Global Perspective: Participating in weekly ministry at a life-giving local church with the heart and vision for the nations
- Clean Hearts and Good Skill: Cultivating the heart of a worshipper with an attitude of excellence
All members of the Arts Ministry are required to sign a covenant of spiritual expectation and asked to commit to one year of faithful service. Teams are reevaluated each September. Auditons are tentative yearly depending on the teams needs.