
Pastor Joel Munyon

Image of Pastor Joel Munyon

Joel has been serving at Stone Hill for over 23 years as a youth minister, elder, and now as the teaching pastor. He presently also works a “day job” as a 7th grade social studies teacher at a local Joliet-area school, where he works with over 200 students each year. He recently won the “Star Teacher” award for excellence in teaching.

Joel earned his undergraduate and graduate degrees from Northern Illinois University. His graduate degree is in U.S. religious studies, and he won the Jameson Award for excellence in original research.

Joel enjoys writing music on his banjo and guitar, writing short stories, and taking road trips. His favorite road trip was when he took a 4,200 mile road trip through the British Isles and had many adventures.

Above all else, Joel desires to see Christ glorified in his life and in the lives of the people of Stone Hill. Aside from Jesus, Joel’s spiritual heroes are his parents who both served in pastoral ministry for 47 years.

Servant Leadership

TECHNICAL: Stephen Schmalz

HEAD USHER: Perry Picco

TREASURER: Doug Anderson


Elders and Deacons

Elders and Deacons are first found in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1:5-9, which outlines the qualifications to serve in this capacity.

The Elders oversee the spiritual welfare of the church. Scripture refers to Elders as “shepherds of the flock” (1 Peter 5:1-2).

The Deacons take care of physical ministry needs-church facilities, overseeing repairs, etc. In the original language, the word “Deacon” means servant. 

Elders: Bob Gabel,  Dean Wyncott, Joel Munyon, Kyle Dickey

Deacons:  Bill Payne, Steve Westoff, Perry Picco