“Train up a child in the way they should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6
Statistics have shown that many find faith before age 12. Therefore, we believe what happens both in and out of church doors is vitally important to the Kingdom.
We believe that church, through the eyes of our children and teens, should teach bible:
- creatively
- be relevant
- age appropriate
- safe
- relational
- exciting and fun!
We also believe there is a direct correlation between the child’s success in spiritual growth and their parent’s involvement.

Sprouts Nursery
6 months – Pre-School
This class is designed for our smallest people to be loved and nurtured during service. Located on the lower level, you can feel confident that our volunteers will take care of your baby in a safe, clean, loving, and God-centered environment. We ask that you fill out our safety tags, mark bottles and bags and an emergency form. We want you to feel confident that only you will be able to remove your child from the nursery.